OK I watched that video. Here are my takeaways:
When he’s unscripted, he’s incredibly dull. He has a habit of returning to the same point over and over again and repeating himself. It is clear though that the shrooms have altered his mind in no small way.
He did offer clues as to what MAY be going on. There is currently yet another mental health crisis, so he’s not doing videos again and thanks those still paying him. And this is like what, not even two months after the last begging video?
The primary reason given for sparking this crisis was the death of Mike Rinder, but he also referred to things happening on the “periphery” which could mean his reaction to Dijana moving on.
The part that got me was after his latest trip, he claimed a type of god-like power in “creating” his two girls and has certain responsibilities that he clearly feels are a burden to him. He then goes on to suggest he doesn’t need to be involved in every aspect of their lives. When considered alongside his stated belief that he feels stranded in Croatia, it is clear he’s searching for a way out and playing the role of an absent parent.
I was going to say what a selfish parent he was but deleted it. Actually Lloyd, the best thing you can do right now is get out of those girl’s lives. They don’t need you and judging by your last video, you are actually harming them. Take your fortune cookie wisdom and fuck off for good, you hapless sack of shit.